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Plane Builder

Contributing to PHUSE activities has been described as helping to build a plane while it's flying. Our Plane Builder awards honour those individuals across the entire Community – whether in Working Groups, Events, Education, or other Community efforts – who have made a significant contributions to PHUSE in the last year.

NameArea of PHUSEActivity

Aimee Basile

Working Groups

Safety Analytics

Dan Bilodeau

Working Groups

Data Transparency

Mireille Lovejoy

Working Groups

Risk Based Quality Management

Melvin Munsaka

Working Groups

Data Visualisation & Open Source Technology

Radha Railkar

Working Groups

Emerging Trends & Technologies

Christine Rossin

Working Groups

Optimizing the Use of Data Standards

Dhruba Sikdar

Working Groups

Real World Evidence

Ying Su

Working Groups

Emerging Trends & Technologies

Chris Wells

Working Groups

Risk Based Quality Management

SEND Survey Project Team

Working Groups

Nonclinical Topics